About Safe Cat, Safe Wildlife

A join initiative between ZAA and SPCA New Zealand


The Zoo and Aquarium Association (ZAA) has teamed up with SPCA New Zealand and vets to help you keep your cat safe and happy. ZAA represents zoos, aquariums, sanctuaries, and wildlife parks across Australasia, who operate at the highest standards of animal welfare. Animal welfare is an over-riding focus for all zoos, and that extends to the millions of cats in the households of our visitors and their communities.

ZAA is pleased to work alongside several of our animal welfare accredited members to bring you Safe Cat, Safe Wildlife:

  • Hamilton Zoo
  • Kiwi Birdlife Park
  • Kiwi North
  • National Aquarium of New Zealand
  • Nga Manu Nature Reserve
  • Orana Wildlife Park
  • Wellington Zoo

Along with your help, we aim to build a community of cat owners who have the knowledge to provide their cat with the longest and happiest lives possible by keeping them safe and enriched at home.

By signing up, you will receive free advice to make your home a haven for your companion cat.

We care about cats, big and small.

ZAA welfare accredited zoos, aquariums, and SPCA New Zealand are experts at providing care and enrichment for cats big and small. Let us guide you in providing the best care for your feline friend.

A cat that has an enriched life and is kept at home is a safe and happy cat.

Keeping cats safely at home helps by giving our native wildlife more opportunity to thrive.

Our beloved pet cats deserve the best chance at life – so does our local wildlife.

With the help of Safe Cat, Safe Wildlife, providing a safe space at home for a cat to thrive can be simple, fun and rewarding.

More than 68% of cat owners that we surveyed agree that keeping their cats at home keeps them safe. Join them now and receive all the cat caring information you need – including secret tips – delivered direct to your inbox every other month.